Welcome to the Society of Old Framlinghamians
Much of our website is open to non-members and we hope everyone will find something of value on it. Society members, once registered on the site, have access to all its rich features, including Connect@Fram, Publications and our Gallery. We hope you’ll use these and help us to develop them further.

Our online database is a wonderfully rich resource, which Connect@Fram opens up to all our members. Once logged in, you’ll find OFs by name, by year, by region and by country, and you’ll also be able to look for people with particular skills, experience and interests. It can only meet those aims if members add their own biographical information, so please do so from time to time
- Connect with Framlinghamians in a multitude of ways
- Offer help and guidance to current pupils and recent leavers
- Leverage your own professional network to find people who can help you
Latest News
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Honorary Old Framlinghamians
Members of staff, and other individuals, whose exceptional service to the Society or the School has been recognised in this way
SOF Charitable Trust
Foundation and Objectives, Trustees, Public Benefit
Moreau Leaving Scholarships
Full details of the Scholarship Scheme can be found here
Books, Magazines, Newsletters and more, available to logged-in members
Overseas Bag
An annual roundup of OF correspondence from around the World
News of Engagements, Marriages, Births and Deaths