"The results were as follows:-
Jonny Newton beat Lottie Whyman
Roger Wharton beat James Taylor
Hugh Curle beat Matthew Oon
James Blyth beat George Garrard
Clive Cooksey beat Robert Taylor
Brian Evans beat Brandon Langridge
Peter Howard-Dobson beat Tim Rhodes (Director of Music)
Robin Anderton halved with Simon Sinclair (Sports Master)
OF’s won 7 ½ – ½
Simon is very keen to up the golfing standard at the College and he hopes that the 9 hole course there will be reduced to 3 decent holes with bunkers, good greens and practice facilities. He also hopes to have professional coaching twice a week in the season and have house matches on Aldeburgh Golf Club’s 9 hole River course.
The students were a young promising group with potential in their swings. Lottie was the only one with a good handicap and is clearly an exciting prospect. This group was about the future and if Simon’s plans come to fruition it will be great for OFGS in the future."
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