In the afternoon there will be an OF v Framlingham 1st X1 pre-season cricket match. Unfortunately the cricket fixture and afternoon tea etc in the day time had to be cancelled due to the Back being waterlogged and unfit.
For those wishing to attend the AGM, this will take place prior to the evening event at 18:15 in the Albert Room – click here to see the agenda and click here to see the draft minutes of the last AGM. Click here for the draft SOF Accounst and click here for the draft SOFCT accounts.
While this is being held, partners and guests will be able to relax in Paul’s Court. Pre-dinner drinks will be served in Paul’s Court from 7 o’clock followed by an informal buffet-style supper. There will be a paid bar all evening.
Tickets are £20 per head to include a drink on arrival, canapés, informal buffet-style supper, music and a pay bar. Discounted tickets for younger OFs available. Please make payment in advance to: Society of Old Framlinghamians, sort code: 40-25-31, account number: 72346451, Reference: AnnG + Surname.
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