The College once again marked Remembrance Sunday in the Chapel with a poignant and deeply moving service. Pupils, staff and OFs attended the service on Sunday 12 November 2023, when 252 OFs and College staff were remembered for making the ultimate sacrifice for this country.
The service was led by the College Chaplin Rev Brynn Bayman. As part of introduction he welcomed Trish Mayhew, the widow of Major Ken Mayhew (R29-34) who died in 2021 at the age of 104 and was honoured in the College Chapel (see photo below or click here for his full distinguished biography). He was awarded Holland’s highest Military Decoration, the Royal Order of Knights of the Military Order of William.
An address was given by Major Charlie Sprake (R95-00) of the Irish Guards.
Towards the end of the service, the congregation brought up to the altar, poppies, each containing the name of one of the 252 fallen. It is a moving way to remember each life lost, all of whom can be looked up and researched on the SOF website by clicking here.

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