
OF Gifts – Update

Update 3 August 2008 : As a result of this news item going out, I’m indebted to Commander John Simpson (K32-36) for sending me a list he put together a little while ago of all the College Prizes, the majority of which were donated by OFs, the SOF or parents of OFs. You can see the list by clicking here. Any additions gratefully received, in particular it would be good to compile a list in respect of Brandeston. You can e-mail me by clicking here: Email Chris Essex.

Original article : Quite a number of years ago a list of gifts from individual OFs and from the Society to the College and Brandeston, was published in the OF Magazine. Using that list and trawled through 1st and 2nd 60 year histories and Trustee and Masonic notes, we have put together what I hope is the definitive list of gifts made. I have included it in the Distinguished section of the website and you can view the list by clicking here.

You will see that the list presents a very impressive picture of the support that has been given over the years and continues to be. The Trustees have under their control a gross fund, The Framlingham College Improvements Trust, which is available if any member wishes to consider the College or Brandeston Hall as a recipient of any charitable donation or bequest.


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