
Three Heroes Tour – April 2014

As you should all be aware, a group of OFs and some friends visited northern France and Belgium in April 2014 under the heading of “By Foot, Horse & Air – Three exceptional men and their bravery in face of the enemy”. It commemorate the actions of three military heroes of Framlingham College, plus paid respects at the graves/memorials of many more OFs who died mainly in WW1.

This expedition was organized by James Ruddock-Broyd (G46-52) and Peter Gasgoyne-Lockwood (R57-64) and everyone who went on the trip owes them a huge debt of gratitude for organizing a fascinating itinerary. Since the end of the trip, James has been toiling away on a detailed personal journal of the trip, which has been illustrated by Chris Essex (K69-75) with many photos that were taken during the trip.

Whilst the SOF President, Richard Sayer (S56-61) will be including his memories of the trip in the 2014 Yearbook, you can click here to read James’s wonderful personal journal in full.


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