It will be Jane’s role to actively promote the SOF, to contribute to the organisation of OF/College/Brandeston events and to take new initiatives designed to sustain and improve links between the schools and their former students. She will be the first point of call for inquiries from OFs and will have responsibility for maintaining communications with OFs, including the arranging of visits, and for updating the data base. The post builds on and is an extension of the position formerly occupied by Leigh Cunningham.
Jane will be working two and a half days a week from the new OF Room which has been created, at the far end of the corridor (the sometime Garrett study corridor) opposite the Common Room. The corridor also houses reprographics and ICT and is in the heart of the school. The OF room will also store historical documents and artefacts, and will provide space and support facilities for other OFs to meet and organise events, review documents etc. The Society will for the first time have an in-house operational presence. Jane’s email address is, and her direct line telephone number is +44 (0) 1728 727227 (Fax is +44 (0) 1728 724546).
Jane is particularly well qualified to understand the mechanics of both the Society and the two schools, being not only an OF herself (V87-89), but married to an OF (Christopher Easey – R80-88), and with children at both Brandeston and the College. She graduated from Reading University with a First Class Degree in English with Film and Drama Studies, followed by a PGCE at UEA, and has had extensive experience in teaching, particularly Media Studies. She will be in a good position to liaise with members of all departments. Jane has also been involved in marketing and publishing, so, together with her social media skills, she is well placed to reach out to those sections of the OF community which have been relatively dormant in recent years.
The SOF Suffolk Supper
Jane’s appointment is part of the package of changes which are intended to bring about an ever more creative relationship between the two schools and the SOF. Her first major event will be to help John Horton with the organisation of the Society’s Suffolk Supper on October 19th. Not only will this be her first opportunity to make initial contact with SOF Officers and the wider OF community, but this Supper is also the occasion when details of the proposed new working relationship with the College will be unveiled at an Open Meeting of the SOF Council, to be held in the Library at 6-45 pm. Members (including Honorary members) are urged to come along both to hear of developments and to meet Jane.
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