As you will have seen in an earlier report on the Annual Dinner our very cherished Hon Sec Norman Porter retired after around 20 years at the immediately preceding AGM. At the Annual Dinner he was presented with a copy of a very special book that had been designed and put together as the idea of OFs Chris Keeble and Richard Sayer.
In the report you will see pictures of the book being presented to Norman by Chris after a few words by Richard. The hand made book runs to 76 pages and features tributes from around 35 OFs, the chair of Governors Andrew Fane and the Headmaster Paul Taylor. We thought OFs who were not able to be at the Annual Dinner might appreciate seeing this wonderful book, a copy of which will be held in the College Library. Click here to read the book.
Note the picture here shows the front cover with NHP and SOF entwined and the words "Almost Inseparable". Very clever.
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