Among those attending was Bernard Tickner who was attending his first OF function having been at Framlingham 1936-40, and from Australia Mike Garnett 53-55 and his brother Gerald 51-53. For anybody interested in gardens Bernard has an outstanding garden of seven acres at Fullers Mill, West Stow, near Bury St Edmunds which is open to the public on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday afternoons. He was able to meet Ruth Elwood a garden designer. Which makes me wonder if there are any other Old Framlinghamians with outstanding gardens that are open to the public!
The following other OF’s attended Jon Ford 58-62,John Rankin 47-56, Tony Martin 47-58, David Hodge 45-50 and his wife Gillian, John Waugh and his wife Sue, Chris Bellamy, Michael Smy 61-66, Peter Jolly 53-58, Nick Ward, Roland Nice and his wife, Rob McClean, Peter Golding 45-49 and his wife Jan, Bob Morris ex Bursar and his wife Lynn, Leigh Cunningham and Chris Hobson from the College, our President Simon Dougherty and his wife Maggie.
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