UPDATE : After publishing the story below, we have heard that Esther Gosling (V09-11) represented Oxford Blues in the 2012 and 2014 varsity rugby matches. They were victorious in both and in 2014 she kicked a penalty and two conversions to win 17-12. She also played for Oxford 2nds Netball in 2014, Oxford 1sts rugby league in 2013 and Oxford 2nds rugby union in 2013 – they were victorious in all of these!
ORIGINAL STORY : In March 2015 Caroline Reid (V03-09) became the first OF to be President of a women’s boat in the Boat Race and you can see the story here . Now she has become the first OF to take part in the Women’s Rugby Varsity Match on 10 December 2015. In so doing she has become the first women ever, from either Cambridge or Oxford University to win both a rowing and rugby blue. Huge congratulations to Caroline.
Martin Myers-Allen (Headmaster at Brandeston) says that Caroline helped at Brandeston with games after her A levels at the College. What a role model to have.
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